
See the most recent changes in Paradym.

Revamped template overview and detail screen

July 24, 2024

New feature
An image displaying the new template page

Working with templates is now a lot easier with a new template overview screen. Here you can find everything you need to start using your template. It also shows an overview of all the activity related to your template.

The template overview has also gotten a refresh and now displays all your templates in a grid. You can quickly filter your templates by type, or using the search bar.

 Bugfixes and improvements
  • The activity tab size limit has been removed and you can now paginate over all the activity in your account.

Paradym SDK for TypeScript

July 15, 2024

New feature
Paradym TypeScript SDK npm page

There's now a Paradym SDK for TypeScript! 🛠️⚡️ The Paradym API currently enables you to issue, verify, and revoke SD-JWT credentials over OpenID4VC as well as issue and verify AnonCreds credentials over DIDComm. Now you can choose to do all that with the SDK instead.

The SDK is available on npm and can be installed with npm install @paradym/sdk.

For detailed instructions on using the SDK, visit the Paradym SDK for TypeScript documentation page.

Nested attributes for SD-JWT VC in API

July 9, 2024

New feature

You can now issue and request presentation of SD-JWT VCs with nested attributes. This means you don't have to provide all properties top-level anymore, but you can define nested attributes such as user.firstName and address.streetName.

Usage of nested attributes is not supported for Anoncreds credentials and only available through the API for now. You can read more about using nested attributes in the docs.

 Bugfixes and improvements
  • Fixed an issue in the presentation template editor, where selecting an attribute in a credential and later adding a new attribute would overwrite the existing attribute in the presentation template.

Redesign invitation page

July 2, 2024

New feature
Redesigned invitation page

We have redesigned the invitation page to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. It now includes the branding of the initiator. For example, didcomm invitations will display the branding of the invitation.

Didcomm Custom messages

June 12, 2024

New feature

DIDComm and AnonCreds API

June 8, 2024

New feature
AnonCreds credential template

Revocation of SD-JWT credentials

June 7, 2024

New feature
SD-JWT VC revocation

You can now revoke SD-JWT VCs, allowing you to invalidate a credential after is has been issued. To allow revocation on an SD-JWT VC, you must enable the revocable configuration option (in the dashboard or through the API). You can revoke a credential (or multiple) using the new Batch Revocation endpoint.

Direct issuance of SD-JWT VC

In addition to revocation for SD-JWT VCs, it's now also possible to directly issue an SD-JWT VC without using OpenID4VC as an exchange protocol. You can start issuing SD-JWT VCs directly using the new Issuance API.

Use did:web DID for AnonCreds credential templates

May 6, 2024

New feature

You can now use your did:web DID from your profile in for AnonCreds credential templates in the builder. Earlier we released support for using your did:web DID for DIDComm invitations, and with this addition you can now use your did:web for whole the issuance and verification flow of AnonCreds credentials as well.

Read more on using did:web in credential templates in the docs.

Use did:web DID for DIDComm invitations

May 1, 2024

New featureBug fix

You can now use your did:web DID from your profile in DIDComm invitations. This allows external wallets to recognize your DID (as it's a stable cryptographically verifiable identifier), as well as reuse existing connections. External wallets can recognize they already have a connection with your agent, and choose to reuse the existing connection.

Usage of did:web is available in the workflow builder for the didcomm/createConnection, didcomm/createInvitation, didcomm/createCredentialIssuanceInvitation and didcomm/createPresentationRequestInvitation actions, and will soon also be available in the DIDComm API.

Update and archive templates from dashboard

You can now update and archive credential and presentation templates in the dashboard. Templates are not static, and thus you should be able to modify and archive them. We also updated the credential and presentation templates API to archive instead of delete templates. As there's often metadata published to ledgers and credentials issued based on templates, archiving allows for better insights in the history of your project.

Multiple projects and collaborators limited to Pro and Custom tier

April 29, 2024

Breaking changeBug fix

When we first introduced multi-project with support for collaborators into Paradym, we enabled the feature for everyone to try it out and see how the multi-project functionality worked in practice.

In the latest update we've limited creating and managing multiple projects, including adding new members to a project, to the Pro and Custom tiers. Any projects that you created will remain active but if you're on the Free tier you won't be able to create new projects, or add collaborators anymore until your account is upgraded. You can always remove members from a project, independant of your current tier.

You can read more on managing projects and collaborators in the documentation.

 Bugfixes and improvements
  • Performance improvements to the landing page.